Stillaguamish Packrafting [Video]

Had a great time packrafting down the beautiful South Fork Stillaguamish River on the 8.2 mile run known as the "Silly Stilly". We put in at the Boardman Creek bridge at mile post 16.8 on the Mountain Loop Highway and took out at the Verlot Campground.

The Silly Stilly is mostly fun class II boulder gardens, but there are two named class III rapids: Willey Creek, rated class III+ at normal flows and class IV at higher flows, and Ski Jump.

With the river flowing at 5.7 feet on the gauge, we bumped bottom a few times but otherwise had a fun run.

Happy paddling!


Escalante River Canyoneering & Packrafting [Video]


Skagit River Winter Packrafting [Video]