Outdoor adventures and in-the-field photo shoots …
South Nahanni River Packrafting Adventure [Video]
The South Nahanni River flows 565 kilometers through remote wilderness from its headwaters in the heart of the Mackenzie Mountains to it’s confluence with the Liard River in Canada’s Northwest Territories. We float it all, on this river Bill Mason called "the greatest canoe trip in the world."
Mountain River Packrafting Expedition [Video]
We paddle 180 miles of the Mountain River in packrafts, and then continue another 45 miles down the Mackenzie River to the community of Fort Good Hope, NWT. Over our 15 day journey, we paddle through spectacular mountain scenery, hike up adjacent hills and meet the local wildlife.
Escalante River Canyoneering & Packrafting [Video]
Join us on an 11 day adventure on the Escalante River area of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in southern Utah. We crawl through Egypt 3 slot canyon, explore Golden Cathedral and Ringtail canyons and climb up onto the old Big Horn Trail up onto Yurt Dome.
Gear List for Multi-Day Packrafting Expeditions
Here is the packrafting gear I use when packing for a packrafting trip of several days or several weeks.