Olympic National Park - A Winter Photo Shoot [Video]

Some pics and a video tour from my four-day winter camping photo shoot in Olympic National Park photographing in the Hoh River rain forest, the Queets River rainforest and Ruby Beach.

Woodland park Queets rainforest Olympic National Park

Woodland park, Queets rainforest, Olympic National Park

Red alder and temperate old-growth forest, Queets River, Olympic National Park

Big leaf maple, Fairholme Campground, Olympic National Park

Queets River Rainforest Olympic National Park

Lower Queets River Road, Olympic National Park

Queets River Rainforest Olympic National Park

Queets River Rainforest, Olympic National Park

Ruby Beach Olympic National Park

Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park

Ruby Beach Olympic National Park

Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park

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Northern Harrier Hunting Over Skagit Valley Farmland


Photographing Short-Eared Owls, Fir Island, Washington [Video]