Photographing Backyard Songbirds from Photo Blind

Female dark-eyed junco, Washington

I have been having fun this winter shooting backyard songbirds from my new photo blind.  The pop-up photo blind sets up in less than 2 minutes and allows me to get within 10 feet of the birds as they feed from a suet feeder or perch on nearby branches.  Waterproof construction means I can leave it up and use it for a few days in rainy weather.

With their quick motions jumping around between branches, only about 2% of my photos come out with sharp eyes using the animal eye-tracking feature on the Sony a6600 camera.  This is further challenged by dim lighting conditions on Washington state's rainy winter mornings.

Update:  See my comprehensive how-to guide on backyard songbird photography.

Photo Blind:  Tragopan Grouse Photo Blind V+

Camera:  Sony a6600

Lens:  Sony 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3

Noise Removal:  Topaz DeNoise AI

Song sparrow perched on gold rider leyland cypress, Washington

Chestnut-backed chickadee on suet feeder, Washington

Male dark-eyed junco, Washington


Bergamo, Italy


Frosty Morning in Snohomish River Estuary