Frosty Morning in Snohomish River Estuary

Union Slough and Spencer Island, Everett, Washington

It was a frosty early morning of bird watching on Spencer Island in the Snohomish River Estuary. An extremely high tide (12.0 feet) flooded through breaches in the dikes and into the estuary, providing great fishing habitat for great blue heron and bald eagles. The sun rose in a spectacle of color and began melting the frost.

Great blue heron, Spencer Island. Sony a7R IV with Sony 200-600mm lens at 600mm, 1/500sec, f6.3, ISO250

Sun rises over tidal wetland, Spencer Island, Everett, Washington. Sony a7R IV with Sony 16-35mm lens at 35mm, 1/320sec, f11, ISO200)

Immature bald eagle, Spencer Island, Everett, Washington. Sony a7R IV with Sony 200-600mm lens at 600mm, 1/500sec, f6.3, ISO200)


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