Photographing Songbirds Foraging on Frosty Autumn Leaves [Video]

I'm back in the backyard photographing songbirds again, this time while they are foraging on frosty autumn leaves.

I raked a pile of fallen leaves from under my Japanese maple onto a corner of my backyard patio and set up my Tragopan photo blind on the opposite corner. A suet feeder positioned above the leaves made sure that little bits of suet wall fall onto the leaves as birds fed from the feeder. This attracts ground foraging songbirds, like dark-eyed junco, spotted towhee and song sparrow to the leaf pile, where I captured them with a Sony 200-600mm telephoto lens mounted on a Sony a6600 camera.

If you enjoy backyard songbird photography, check out these additional videos:


New Science Demonstrates Contribution of Birds to Human Wellness


Ozette Lake Kayak Camping & Photography [Video]