Southeast Alaska Day 10 - Mount Dewey and Sailing to Petersburg

July 8, 2012

Mt Dewey Trail, Wrangell, Alaska

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."

-- John Muir, naturalist, explorer, writer

These are the words that greet visitors to the trail head of Wrangell's Dewey Mountain Trail.  And they have some practical application here in that John Muir actually did visit Wrangell in 1879 and hiked up Mount Dewey during a rainstorm.

That said, Mount Dewey is actually just a hill.  The trail climbs a whopping 250 feet in 0.4 miles to its 400 foot summit.  But its summit does offer a nice view of Wrangell and out over Zimovia Strait.

The rest of our day was spent back on an Alaska Marine Highway System ferry, heading north through narrow channels to Petersburg, Alaska.  More on Petersburg tomorrow.

Ferns along Mount Dewey Trail, Wrangell, Alaska
Mount Dewey Trail through woods, Wrangell, Alaska

Fog shrouded forest along shoreline of Wrangell Narrows, Inside Passage, Southeast Alaska

Wharfs and Ocean Beauty Seafoods Cannery, North Harbor, Petersburg, Alaska

Wharfs and Ocean Beauty Seafoods Cannery, North Harbor, Petersburg, Alaska


Southeast Alaska Day 11 - Petersburg


Southeast Alaska Day 9 - Anan Creek Bears