Columbia River Gorge - Day 6 - Oneonta Gorge
Friday, April 27
Oneonta Creek flowing through Oneonta Gorge, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon
Buoyed by yesterday's walk in Eagle Creek, I decided to tackle Oneonta Gorge today.
The river was cold, but not unbearable. I waded up into the entrance of the Gorge in water up to mid-thigh, again using my tripod and a ski pole for balance. Then I had to climb over a slippery log jam that completely choked the gorge. The photo above was taken from atop the up-stream end of the log jam.
The gorge is about 20 feet wide and 100+ feet deep. From here, the route involves jumping off the log jam into water that looks at least waist deep, followed by a half mile of more wading in water ranging from ankle to chest deep. Being alone and on not exactly a warm day, I elected to call it quits here.
I also drove up to Vista House on Crown Point and hit some of the other waterfalls along the Historic Columbia River Highway, including Latourell, Shepperd's Dell and Multnomah Falls.
Multnomah Falls, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon
Vista House on Crown Point, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon
Shepperd's Dell Trail, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon
Balusters on bridge over Shepperd's Dell, Historic Columbia River Highway, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon
Latourell Falls, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon