Columbia River Gorge - Day 4 - Waterfalls!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wahkeena Falls, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon

Finally, a day of sweet spring rain ... exactly what I came down to the Gorge for.  Time to photograph the waterfalls, creeks and forest wildflowers along the "wet side" of the Columbia River Gorge near Portland, Oregon.

The photo above is Wahkeena Falls, a short hike up from the Historic Columbia River Highway.  This Highway, the scenic overlooks and several trails to majestic waterfalls were all built between 1913 and 1922, inspired by the heyday of road touring by Model T.

The last photo in today's series is of the entrance to Oneonta Gorge.  I'm hankering to hike up this Gorge, but this means climbing over a log jam and wading in really cold water, mostly calf deep, but up to my waist in spots.  Still working on my courage.

Oneonta Creek, Oneonta Canyon, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon

Wahkeena Creek, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon


Columbia River Gorge - Day 5 - Eagle Creek and Punchbowl Falls


Columbia River Gorge - Day 3 - Rowena Plateau & Klickitat River Loop